Embracing a Non-Linear Career Path is Essential for an Optimal Career Strategy
Make it Intentional
“embracing a non-linear career path can be a great source of empowerment, control over your career outcomes, and your ability to be a leading expert in your industry.”
~Career Coach, Dee Partee-Grier
In today’s job market, it is not uncommon for mid-career professionals to find themselves looking at career paths that don’t necessarily fit into the traditional linear career model. The idea of taking a lateral move or even starting a completely new venture can be daunting and confusing, but there are many advantages to embracing a non-linear career path. Let’s take a closer look at why this is a good idea.
Gaining New Skills and Experiences Along the Way
When you embrace a non-linear career path, you open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities—opportunities that may not have been available on your previous linear track. For example, if you decide to take on a role in a different field or industry, you will gain valuable skills and experiences that may not have been available to you before. This could include learning new technologies or gaining an understanding of different cultures and markets, both of which could prove useful when it comes time to build your resume or update your portfolio. Plus, taking the time to learn something new can also help keep your mind sharp and give you an edge over other candidates who may be competing for the same jobs as you.
Broadening Your Network
In addition to gaining new skills and experiences along the way, embracing a non-linear career path allows you to broaden your network of contacts as well. Reaching out and connecting with people from different industries can provide invaluable insights into what works (and what doesn’t) in various fields, giving you an advantage when it comes time to make decisions about where your next move should be. Additionally, having more connections gives you access to potential mentors who can guide you through any difficult patches along the way.
Taking Risks Without Getting Too Far Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Finally, embracing a non-linear career path gives you the chance to take risks without getting too far out of your comfort zone. Taking calculated risks is necessary if we want our careers to grow—but sometimes we can be too afraid of taking those risks because they feel like too much of an unknown quantity. By following a non-linear career path instead of staying strictly within one field or industry, we are able to dip our toes into different waters without doing anything drastic or potentially damaging. This allows us to explore new possibilities while still feeling secure in the fact that we’re still working towards our end game.
Embracing a non-linear career path is smart for professionals who want to gain valuable skills & experiences while broadening their networks without getting too far outside their comfort zones. Taking small risks such as exploring different roles & industries will help you stay competitive & provide you with insight into what works & what doesn't in various fields - thus helping you make informed decisions about your future career moves!